
Feeling tired and losing your hair is part of aging, right?


A good mantra I want you to think about is:

“We want to die young, as late as possible”

While we age every calendar year, that doesn’t mean our biological age has to accelerate.

Unfortunately, for many businessmen that’s the truth.

Every time they experience a symptom, they put it off as aging.

In this particular case, I was speaking with a 51-year-old business owner who was feeling tired all the time.

He was also losing more hair than normal.

During his showers, he saw that there’s an excess amount swimming down the drain.

Before we started working together, he hold his doctor about this.

The doc pulled some lab work, and as you hear it many times, said everything seems to be fine.

I guess you must accept the downsides of getting older.

Then he recommended some medication and shampoos to prevent hair loss, and potentially stimulate hair regrowth.

Yet there was a voice in him that wouldn’t accept that.

Why did it happen so quick this year?

What changed?

Fast forward end of 2022.

He joins the Kinetic Method.

Initially he didn’t tell me anything about that.

He said he wants to get six pack lean.

Then as we pulled his blood work, I saw that some markers were complete out of range.

I asked him:

“Are you losing hair and feeling low on energy?”

He said yes.

I followed up and asked him if he’s also feeling cold all the time.

Especially when others aren’t feeling cold.

He said yes, this summer was the first time he had to wear long pants and socks when others were in shorts.

The situation was pretty clear.

I told him his thyroid numbers aren’t looking promising at all.

He then said that his doctors already did thyroid testing and everything was fine.

Someone must be lying, right?


Nobody is lying.

The doctor pulled one test, which was TSH.

The lab I had him do pull 4 tests:

Free T4
Free T3
Reverse T3

This allows me to see the full picture of his situation.

Doctors don’t pull these labs not because they don’t know them, but because most doctors don’t have the time to do a full spectrum lifestyle analysis.

Most patients get treated in 5-10min slots.

You’re lucky if someone takes the time to speak with you for 30 minutes.

Going back to his numbers, his TSH looked fine.

This is the brain signaling the thyroid hormone to produce more hormones.

Yet his Thyroid hormones Free T4 and Free T3 were very low.

We had to make a few dietary changes, add a few supplements and optimize his gut health that was causing a lot of these issues.

6 months later and his hair loss has slowed down.

It’s not perfect but it has significantly improved.

His energy is great, he wakes up and is ready to go.

No more brain fog and feeling tired all the time.

And as we retested, we saw his Thyroid numbers go up.

Free T4 is up by 44% and Free T3 is up by 29%.

A sudden change in your life is never aging.

It’s something with your hormones, organs or gut not working well.

Once it’s working smoothly again, the anti aging effects start to happen.

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