Two twins did the same workout for 3 months

Two twins did the same workout for 3 months.

But one of them exercises half of the time.

At the end – they both had the same results.

These are two brothers and both are 34.

Ross and Hugo Turner conducted an experiment to see whether 20 or 40-minute workouts would yield better results.

Hugo worked out for 20 minutes at a time, and Ross worked out for 40 minutes.

They did the exact same workout together.

Then when Hugo was done, Ross repeated the workout.

They lifted 3-4x weekly.

And both ate the same amount of calories.

They compared their strength, fitness, and body composition over 12 weeks.

After 12 weeks they both got the same results.

Ross was pretty frustrated.

“I’ve put in double the work,” he said.

“I’ve lifted 16 hours extra over the 12 weeks. Am I seeing any results that I would say are worth doing? Not at all.”

This is a great lesson that effort isn’t rewarded, effectiveness is.

It’s why my clients and I work out 30-45min per session with low volume, high intensity, slow motion movements.

A few key exercises taken to failure will give you the same results as 2h workout sessions.

Once the stimulus is giving, the muscle will grow.

The men I work with are getting stronger, bigger and more jacked every week.

The bottom line is this:

Boiled water is boiled water.

There is no sense in over doing it.

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