Have you been in great shape in your 20’s and now wondering what happened?
Like, things have gone too far?
Spoke to a 51-year-old mortgage consultant the other day.
As he was getting ready for work, he realized that his belt didn’t fit…
It felt like it was suffocating him, and he just couldn’t believe it…
Had he really put on that much weight?
He can’t say he was proud that he wore sweatpants to work that day, but he had no other option.
It felt like everyone was staring at him and honestly, he just felt ashamed of himself.
As a former football player in the early 90’s he was THE guy in the locker room, known for having a cut and athletic look with an iron grip handshake and muscular torso.
He wouldn’t even put in that much effort; things would just fall in place.
Today he’s wondering what’s going on …
How is it possible that he’s so successful in every other area of his life, yet can’t seem to get his body under control?
He had lost some weight here and there … but he never felt great on any of those plans.
The majority of times he would end up feeling tired, weak and looked older after dropping that weight.
All he wanted was to know with clarity and certainty what plan to follow that is sustainable to get back his athletic body.
Maybe you can relate …
I know it’s a struggle as we get older.
And maybe you’ve worked with a personal trainer before or hit the gym hard to lose those extra pounds or pack on muscle.
And nothing really worked long-term.
You’d be surprised to know that it’s not because you didn’t work out hard enough…or didn’t want it badly enough.
The real reason why you couldn’t feel like 21 again and get your youthful and athletic body back comes down to one thing.
A decline in testosterone levels.
This happens to ALL men, regardless of age, and some experience the effects more than others.
Things like hair loss and balding…getting softer…feeling more emotional…developing “man boobs”…and not waking up with morning glory are just a few symptoms of dipping t-levels.
If this sounds familiar, you need to know something…
It’s not your fault.
Times have changed and our environment, the food we eat, and high-stress lifestyles all cause a huge drop in testosterone in men…especially after 35.
The good news is, there are ways to protect and boost your testosterone naturally.
That’s why with the Kinetic Method I’ve designed hormone-supporting workouts for men over 40.
They are 20-30min per session, making it fit into any schedule even while traveling.
They are challenging enough to create an adaptive response from your muscles for rapid muscle growth.
The frequency is 3x weekly with a 60-90min total time of working out, so your body is never overtrained and produces cortisol which suppresses natural testosterone and growth hormone production.
And they are structured in a way to support human growth hormones release and boost testosterone naturally.
Just within a few weeks businessmen over 40 using the Kinetic Method see and feel how they’re recreating their youthful body.
Men who do these workouts cannot help but see themselves looking younger and slicing 20 years off from their appearance.
The real win is they are regaining their certainty and control back using the Kinetic Method.
They feel the power is in their hands again, even if things have gone too far.
They are now the ones controlling the process.
They are in the driver’s seat.
They are in charge.
They are finally feeling like MAN again
Have you been in great shape in your 20’s and now wondering what happened?