Have you ever wondered why most of your fat gets directly stored in your mid-section?

Have you ever wondered why most of your fat gets directly stored in your mid-section?
Why not into your arms, legs or butt?
Why does it all have to go directly to the belly?
Here’s an important part of this story nobody else is telling you.
Weight loss alone won’t get you the body you want.
Your body isn’t the same as it was 10 years ago, 15 years ago or 30 years ago.
You’re the same person, but your body is different.
Your sex drive is probably half of what it was.
Your energy levels are ⅓ of where they were.
Your sleep quality isn’t that great.
Stress gets to you easier.
And you need more stimulants just to stimulate your body into doing what you want it to do…
…Wake up, get to work, get through your day…
…At which point you’re done and you are tired.
What happened and what changed?
That’s the core thing that changed and it’s the reason you could eat a pizza and barely put on any fat before…
…It’s the reason you could stay up till 3 am drinking, wake up at 7 am and tackle the world.
…It’s the reason you were an athlete, a go-getter, and ready to take on the world…
…Then little by little, your body got out of balance, you went from hard to soft, and next thing you know you found yourself trying to get it all back…
…But no matter what diet you got on, keto, low carb, high carb, high protein, you name it…
…Nothing worked.
…Because everything else out there addresses one thing and one thing only — energy expenditure.
Calories in vs calories out…
…But completely ignores the number one thing that controls the AMOUNT of energy you expand which is your natural levels of testosterone.
Your hormonal balance will determine your body composition when you start losing fat.
If you’ve got man boobs, that’s a sign of high estrogen or too much prolactin.
If you’ve got lots of fat in the mid-section, that can be high estrogen too, low testosterone or high cortisol squeezing out your visceral fat.
You get the point. It’s a lot more than eat less and move more.
So you got two choices.
1. Inject it in your but from a doc and for the rest of your life, inject it 2-3x a week and run the risk of gyno, breast cancer, losing your hair, and having to donate blood to reduce the thickness of your blood.
2. Do it naturally and increase your test levels naturally.
If you fall into the first basket, there’s nothing I can do for you.
But if your intent is to apply the best organic methods to raise testosterone naturally …
And awaken the athlete in you, the man your wife first fell in love with 20 years ago …
Then I got something for you.
I’ve set aside 1h this week to review 5 hormonal assessments.
All it takes is filling out a short quiz about your age, body and a few lifestyle factors.
I’ll then select 5 of those quizzes, review them and record a personalized video feedback.
For free.
Why would I do this for free?
As you can imagine ….
After showing someone how they can naturally raise their testosterone levels, some people want me to personally help them move forward with making 40 and 50 feel like 20 and 30 again.
So these videos are a great way for new clients to find out about me.
I also consider it my life’s work and duty to help others avoid the hellish years that I went through and spending over $50k on coaching, consulting, mentoring, courses and all kind of videos and trainings …
When all I needed was a little personalized advice that could have avoided that.
Drop a “quiz” below and I’ll send you over a short survey. (No, this isn’t an application to work with me)
After filling it out the quiz I will record you a quick personalized feedback video on the quickest and most effective way for you to get in shape and eliminate potential roadblocks along your way.

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