It’s an error in thinking where we do the right thing in the wrong order, that is, we don’t do the most important thing first.
Sequencing is everything.
Just as you would first go on a date, later on get into a relationship, before you ask a woman you met at the bar to marry you.
You wouldn’t ask her to marry you before going on a date with you.
She’d say no of course …
And if she says yes, then you don’t want that woman.
You’d be surprised how many guys think like that when it comes to getting in shape.
They are told to focus on things like supplements, cardio, shakes or pills.
Yet it’s misweighted.
Because it’s out of order to what’s most important to them right now.
That’s why I created The Kinetic Pyramid.
Most of us are optimizing from the least effective up, starting with supplements, and weight training, and then food.
The reality is there are more important things to optimize first.
How long can you go without oxygen?
1. Oxygen (5 minutes)
2. Water (3 days)
3. Sleep (11 days)
4. Food (3 weeks)
5. Weightlifting (years and years)
6. Supplements (forever)
So realistically, if weighted properly, it’s the best to master daily habits in this order:
1. Breathing -> Breathwork or meditation
2. Hydration -> 3-4 liters of water daily
3. Sleep -> 7-9 hours of sleep every night
4. Food -> Optimized for your hormones
5. Weightlifting -> Low volume, high intensity training
6. Supplements -> Based on your blood work
After all, the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos, said …⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“People always ask me what will be different in the next 10 years. I never understood that question. I always thought it would be better to ask ‘What would stay the same’.”
Supplements come and go.
Fad diets, quick fixes and hacks come up every year.
Personal trainers who are now “Transformation Experts” and think a meal plan and an exercise program are enough to get in shape, get online every day.
But this hierarchy will stay forever.
As a businessman, your time is capped.
Save this pyramid and focus on what works and has always worked.