A Full Day Of Eating Of SixPack CEO’s With High Natural Testosterone Levels

If you’ve been watching some of my recent posts, you’ll have noticed many of the guys 40+ and 50+ who are boosting their testosterone naturally anywhere from 50-250%.

Results like that are unheard of in the industry.

You may get a guy here and there who gets a boost from losing some weight.

But having guys regularly get a big boost of testosterone without TRT, peptides or HCG is not common.

I thought I’d give you a peak behind the curtain on what we’re doing on planet Six Pack CEO.

There’s a lot more than diet to the mix, but diet is 1 of the 5 key pillars for high levels of testosterone.

Most of the men we work with lift weights in the morning before they go into business battles.

This way they lead themselves first before they lead others.

For their pre workout meal, we like to suggest a banana.

Banana is high in potassium which minimizes the chances of getting a cramp while lifting.

This allows you to push yourself more during workouts, without the fear of cramping up.

Banana is also high in magnesium, which studies have shown boosts total and free levels of testosterone when deficient.

Most Americans are deficient in magnesium, so this will reverse the deficiency and serve as a co-factor to boost t-levels naturally.

If it’s a non workout day, for many guys an egg omelet is the go to meal for breakfast.

Eggs have many nutrients that boost testosterone.

Vitamin A is one of them.

Vitamin D another.

The master though is cholesterol.

Cholesterol gets converted to pregnenolone, DHEA and then downstream into testosterone.

It typically boosts total levels of testosterone, not so much free testosterone.

We like to add 2-3 Brazil Nuts to the omelet.

Brazil Nuts are the food that’s the highest in selenium which optimizes T4 to T3 thyroid conversion.

But also is a co-factor in total testosterone production.

Lunch is typically a big portion of fatty meat or fish.

Aside from loading up on protein, the goal there is to get in zinc.

From the 900+ blood work reviews I’ve done, around 35-40% of men are zinc deficient.

Every time you ejaculate, you lose a little bit of zinc.

So restoring your zinc levels is key not just for bigger loads, but also for higher levels of total and free testosterone.

A rump steak is a good source of zinc.

Next thing is dinner.

We like to have there another big portion of protein.

I prefer to have fatty meat or fatty fish for lunch and leaner cuts for dinner.

You’ll digest the leaner cuts quicker.

This allows you to get quality sleep in, which is where most of your testosterone is produce.

Meal timing therefore is an indirect mechanism for optimal testosterone levels.

As a treat we can throw in 2-3 dried prunes.

Prunes are a great source of Boron, which can give a big boost in free Testosterone levels.

It also reduces estrogen levels, which can be beneficial if you have man boobs.

There is more to the routine but that’s a good big picture view on some of the food choices we make.

Focusing on calories and macros alone won’t cut it if you want elite results.

Micronutrients and meal timing are key to optimal hormone levels.

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